ABC Cares

From monthly archives: July 2015

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'July 2015'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Power Design and the Power of 1

Safety has been a top priority since Florida based national, full-service electrical contractor Power Design, Inc. was founded in 1989. Power Design’s commitment to safety includes its leadership role in Safety Week 2015 and OSHA’s National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction events earlier this year and has allowed the company to partner with top 100 general contractors as ranked by Engineering News-Record. A commitment to safety within the broader community has also led the company to launch a safety campaign that extends well beyond its 130 active projects. Read the rest of entry »

Building a Culture of Caring

Creating a culture that helps a company retain employees, win work and leave a positive impression on the community can be a difficult challenge. For The Beck Group, based in Dallas, success has come from a culture of caring that permeates all areas of the business. 
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