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ABC Newsline

ABC announced three finalists for its annual Young Professional of the Year Award on Oct. 26. Finalists were chosen based on their career achievement, leadership and vision for the future of the commercial and industrial construction industry from a field of more than 30 nominations representing 20 ABC chapters across the country.

ABC is now accepting nominations for the 2017 Craft Professional of the Year and Craft Instructor of the Year awards. ABC members, employees and chapter staff may submit a nomination by the Jan. 6, 2017 deadline. If you know of someone who works hard, makes a difference in the industry and embodies the merit shop philosophy, enter them into the competition and they could walk away with the top title and a hefty grand prize.

ABC is now accepting nominations for its Student Chapter of the Year. The award recognizes an outstanding student chapter for its accomplishments in programming, community service, communications/public relations and interaction with its ABC chapter. The Student Chapter of the Year will receive a $2,000 cash prize, complimentary registration and hotel accommodations for two students to attend ABC’s Legislative Week in Washington, D.C., and press coverage in ABC National media outlets.

Ten students pursuing craft professional training in the construction industry were awarded the second annual Build Your Future scholarships through ABC’s Trimmer Construction Education Foundation. The scholarships are given to the top 10 students attending an NCCER-accredited program or a state/federally approved apprenticeship program in a merit-shop training facility. 

ABC has added Iowa Chapter member Jeremy Price of Price Electric Inc. to the Beam Club presidential level. The Beam Club was established in 1966 to recognize ABC’s top membership recruiters for their commitment to growing the association. By recruiting five new members, ABC members are automatically enrolled in the Beam Club by their chapter. Members receive one point for each new member recruited. Beam Club activity is ongoing from year to year, with members’ point totals continually accruing and advancing them to the next Beam Club award level.

Intent to compete forms for the 2017 National Craft Championships are now available for ABC members and chapters who think their apprentices and craft trainees have what it takes to win the title of ABC National Craft Champion. The competition will take place Feb. 28 – March 3 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in conjunction with ABC’s Workforce Conference. Intent to compete forms are due Dec. 1, 2016. 

The Weitz Company of Minneapolis, Minn., a member of ABC’s Minnesota/North Dakota chapter, has been awarded Accredited Quality Contractor (AQC) status by ABC. The AQC program recognizes and honors construction firms that document their commitment to excellence in five key areas of corporate responsibility: quality, safety, employee benefits, training and community relations. A company that meets the criteria set forth in the program, and has earned Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) Gold, Platinum or Diamond status, is formally designated an “Accredited Quality Contractor.”      

ABC’s 2016 National Craft Championships gold medalists were honored before an audience of more than 40,000 at a July 1 baseball game at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. Before the game, the champions and their families were given all-access passes to the field and were able to watch batting practice, followed by a picnic hosted by ABC in the fairgrounds just outside the stadium.

ABC has added Iowa Chapter member Mike O’Day of Hometown Plumbing & Heating to the Beam Club Presidential level. The Beam Club was established in 1966 to recognize ABC’s top membership recruiters for their commitment to growing the association. By recruiting five new members, ABC members are automatically enrolled in the Beam Club by their chapter. Members receive one point for each new member recruited. Beam Club activity is ongoing from year to year, with members’ point totals continually accruing and advancing members to the next Beam Club award level.

The University of Washington Department of Construction Management inducted Kathleen Garrity, retired president of the ABC Western Washington chapter, into the Construction Hall of Fame for her substantial contributions to the industry on May 24. She is the second woman to be inducted.
