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ABC Newsline

ABC’s vice president of regulatory, labor and state affairs did a radio tour last week during the annual Conservative Political Action Conference. Speaking with The Epoch Times from the convention floor, he discussed the advantages of a career in the construction trades. Brubeck also discussed project labor agreements and prevailing wage issues in four additional interviews.

On Feb. 28, ABC, as a member of the Partnership for Employer-sponsored Coverage, sent a letter to Sen. Lamar Alexander, chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, providing recommendations on how to address America’s rising health care costs.

Are you using fair, best-practice standard contracts to achieve better project results? Contracts from ABC business partner ConsensusDocs are written and supported by 40 prominent organizations that collectively represent more than 300,000 individuals and companies.

ABC has added Oklahoma Chapter member Thom Bowen of Securian Advisors MidAmerica Inc. to the Beam Club Presidential level. The Beam Club was established in 1966 to recognize ABC’s top membership recruiters for their commitment to growing the association.
