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ABC Newsline

OSHA has officially withdrawn a proposed rule that would have changed how the agency operated its On-site Consultation Program for worksites, including those that have Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program status. The agency withdrew the rule after reviewing comments, including those submitted by ABC and the Coalition for Workplace Safety. 

ABC July 2 submitted comments to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) expressing disappointment in a proposed rule that would implement provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) related to the minimum value of eligible employer-sponsored plans and the health insurance premium tax credit. 

NAVFAC is seeking comments on the potential use of PLAs for two projects: an aircraft maintenance hangar upgrade at the Marine Corps Base in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, and the submarine production support facility in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The USACE also issued a survey for the potential use of a PLA for dredging and deepening the main channel of the Delaware River in Philadelphia, Penn. 

ABC June 24 signed a strategic partnership with Maxwell Systems that will support ABC’s goal of helping members win work and deliver it safely, ethically and profitably. Maxwell Systems delivers an all-in-one construction software solution and is a leading provider of expert services and best practices that empower contractors to eliminate waste and run a more efficient and profitable business. 

The ABC Elevator Contractors Council (ECC), formerly known as the Merit Elevator Contractors Association of America (MECAA), is a group of ABC members dedicated to advancing and growing the merit shop elevator sector of the construction industry. From 2012-2013, ABC ECC worked with several chapters to track important legislation and regulations in 20 states related to key merit shop elevator issues. 

One of ABC’s Business Partners, General Motors, recently received eight J.D. Power Initial Quality Awards – more than any other automaker. ABC members can take advantage of discounts on some of the award-winning vehicles by visiting ABC’s Business Partner page. 

The U.S. Senate voted 68-32 to pass the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744) on June 27 with language that places a limit on the number of guest worker visas available to the construction industry.

During a public-private partnership conference June 27 in Linthicum, Md., experts on P3s gathered to discuss their advantages, how they can provide savings over the long-term and Maryland’s new P3 law (H.B. 560) that went into effect July 1. 

ABC members can now take advantage of savings on most GM 2014 and 2013 model year vehicles under the ABC Business Partner Program. In 2012, ABC members saved approximately $5 million through the program.

ABC, as part of the Family Business Estate Tax Coalition (FBETC), June 19 supported the Death Tax Repeal Act of 2013 (S. 1183/H.R. 2429) that would permanently repeal the estate tax.
