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ABC Newsline
ABC of California expressed their concern and opposition for two bills signed into law Oct. 13 by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) that will expand prevailing wage requirements and drive up the costs of local public and private projects.
ABC members and chapters have the opportunity to showcase the talent of their current workforce and company’s commitment to training on a national level by sending a competitor to the 2014 National Craft Championships
According to a survey of ABC members, 75 percent of respondents’ companies are experiencing a shortage of willing and qualified craft professionals. These results support the findings of the Construction Labor Market Analyzers’ 20/20 Foresight Report, which shows there will be a nationwide shortage of nearly 2 million skilled craft workers by 2017.
Due to the Federal Government’s shutdown, the NCPPP and Association of Defense Communities’ Federal Energy workshop will now be held December 10-11 in Arlington, Va. The meeting will focus on the use of public-private partnerships (P3s) and how they play a role in a range of federal government energy program objectives.
The 2013 ABC Attorneys Conference content-rich program covers the latest developments and insights impacting labor law and open competition in the construction industry. The conference also is an opportunity for CLE credits upon request.
An economic study organized by the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Alabama chapter found commercial construction’seconomic impact exceeds $9.6 billion, making it the largest industry in the state.
Open enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace (or Exchanges) under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) began on Oct. 1. ABC’s Insurance Trust advises that it may be prudent for ABC members to hold off on taking any action.
ABC and the Construction Industry Safety Coalition sent letters Sept. 27 to Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA David Michaels requesting a 90-day extension for submitting written comments related to OSHA’s proposed crystalline silica rulemaking, whichdrastically lowers the existing permissible exposure limit for respirable silica in the construction industry.
Representatives from Nova Group, Inc. and Cajun Industries, LLC will share best practices about how they continuously meet owner/user quality standards on highly regulated and controlled jobsites during the session, “Delivering Quality in a Challenging Environment,” at the Industrial Users Summit, Oct. 22-23, in San Antonio. This is just one of several panels highlighting the work of ABC members in safety, quality and workforce development.
ABC will be hosting a two-day STEP Plus Safety Excellence Academy Nov. 6-7 at the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas to coincide with the ABC Institute for Leadership and Professional Development.