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ABC Newsline

ABC and a diverse group of 15 construction industry associations April 16 sent a letter to members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate opposing government-mandated PLAs and asking them to cosponsor the Government Neutrality in Contracting Act (H.R. 436/S. 109). 

The ABC Business Partner is offering ABC members two free webinars that will cover construction reporting, job costing, and payroll and how to simplify construction payroll and reporting.

The ABC Business Partner is offering ABC members two free webinars that will cover construction reporting, job costing, and payroll and how to simplify construction payroll and reporting.

The ABC Business Partner is offering ABC members two free webinars that will cover construction reporting, job costing, and payroll and how to simplify construction payroll and reporting.

The U.S. Senate “Gang of Eight” April 16 unveiled a plan for comprehensive immigration reform that fails to include a guest worker program that would meet the needs of the construction industry.

The U.S. Senate “Gang of Eight” April 16 unveiled a plan for comprehensive immigration reform that fails to include a guest worker program that would meet the needs of the construction industry.

The U.S. Senate “Gang of Eight” April 16 unveiled a plan for comprehensive immigration reform that fails to include a guest worker program that would meet the needs of the construction industry.

The U.S. House of Representatives April 10 voted 219-209 to pass a bill that would stop all NLRB activity that requires a three-member quorum until the legal disputes involving the board are resolved.

The U.S. House of Representatives April 10 voted 219-209 to pass a bill that would stop all NLRB activity that requires a three-member quorum until the legal disputes involving the board are resolved.

The U.S. House of Representatives April 10 voted 219-209 to pass a bill that would stop all NLRB activity that requires a three-member quorum until the legal disputes involving the board are resolved.
