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ABC Newsline

On June 4, OSHA released a directive from Assistant Secretary David Michaels changing how the agency should proceed when there is a fatality investigation at a Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) site. 

OSHA May 29 issued a final rule that that broadens the current exemption for digger derricks used in the electric-utility industry to also include telecommunications work.

OSHA has released new materials to help employers comply with the newly revised Hazard Communication Requirements, including a fact sheet outlining the new training requirements, Quickcards on the new pictogram label requirements, and a brief synopsis on the labels and pictograms. 

On April 23, OSHA issued a final rule that applies the requirements of the August 2010 cranes and derricks in construction standard to demolition and underground work. These areas were inadvertently omitted from the original rule. 

On April 23, OSHA issued a final rule that applies the requirements of the August 2010 cranes and derricks in construction standard to demolition and underground work. These areas were inadvertently omitted from the original rule. 

On April 23, OSHA issued a final rule that applies the requirements of the August 2010 cranes and derricks in construction standard to demolition and underground work. These areas were inadvertently omitted from the original rule. 

OSHA April 5 released an interpretation letter (dated Feb. 21) stating that nonunion employees can authorize an individual “affiliated with a union or a community organization” to act as their representative during agency-sanctioned inspections and other enforcement situations.

OSHA April 5 released an interpretation letter (dated Feb. 21) stating that nonunion employees can authorize an individual “affiliated with a union or a community organization” to act as their representative during agency-sanctioned inspections and other enforcement situations.

OSHA April 5 released an interpretation letter (dated Feb. 21) stating that nonunion employees can authorize an individual “affiliated with a union or a community organization” to act as their representative during agency-sanctioned inspections and other enforcement situations.

OSHA has released a new bilingual English-Spanish booklet as part of their national campaign to prevent fatal falls titled, “Falling Off Ladders Can Kill: Use Them Safely.” 
