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ABC Newsline

In the wake of coronavirus-related business shutdowns impacting the construction industry in Boston, Pennsylvania and other localities, ABC is urging President Trump to recognize construction as an essential service and keep workers employeto preserve the industry’s current and future ability to build and maintain health care facilities, respond to critical infrastructure requirements and aid in recovery efforts after natural disasters.  

With a shortage of N-95 face masks used by health care and first responders, the White House has called for donations to local hospitals from construction contractors and other industries that have supplies on hand.

ABC and its chapters are reaching out to state and local lawmakers and asking them to treat construction activities conducted in a safe and responsible manner as essential services in order to permit critical infrastructure services to continue as states and localities draft stay-at-home orders and other policies allowing only movement of workers involved in essential businesses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, Democrats and Republicans in the Senate arrived at a deal to provide approximately $2 trillion in federal funding and programs to address the ongoing health crisis. The legislation would send checks to many Americans under a certain income threshold, create a $350 billion loan program for small businesses and establish a $500 billion lending fund for industries, cities and states.

ABC has assembled Emergency Preparedness and Response Resources to help our chapters and members quickly access the latest information and guidance regarding the coronavirus. Resources such as COVID-19 Toolbox Talks, both in English and Spanish, are now available. Other resources, including sample continuity plans and project shutdown and startup procedures are also available.

Many employers are now asking whether they must record cases of COVID-19 on their Occupational Safety and Health Administration 300 Logs or report the cases to OSHA.

On March 16, ABC submitted comments to the Office of Management and Budget on its Request for Information on Improving and Reforming Regulatory Enforcement and Adjudication.

ABC issued a key vote to the Senate on an amendment submitted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.). The amendment would have replaced the mandated paid leave requirements of the House-passed Families First Coronavirus Response Act that affect employers with fewer than 500 employees with unemployment insurance capped at $1000 per week.   

From March 1-7, ABC celebrated Women in Construction Week, a week that raises awareness and emphasizes the growing role of women in the construction industry.

Information about coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to be issued at a rapid pace. In order to keep ABC chapters and members up to date and provide access to acc
