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ABC Newsline

OSHA April 5 released an interpretation letter (dated Feb. 21) stating that nonunion employees can authorize an individual “affiliated with a union or a community organization” to act as their representative during agency-sanctioned inspections and other enforcement situations.

OSHA April 5 released an interpretation letter (dated Feb. 21) stating that nonunion employees can authorize an individual “affiliated with a union or a community organization” to act as their representative during agency-sanctioned inspections and other enforcement situations.

OSHA April 5 released an interpretation letter (dated Feb. 21) stating that nonunion employees can authorize an individual “affiliated with a union or a community organization” to act as their representative during agency-sanctioned inspections and other enforcement situations.

OSHA has released a new bilingual English-Spanish booklet as part of their national campaign to prevent fatal falls titled, “Falling Off Ladders Can Kill: Use Them Safely.” 

OSHA has released a new bilingual English-Spanish booklet as part of their national campaign to prevent fatal falls titled, “Falling Off Ladders Can Kill: Use Them Safely.” 

OSHA has released a new bilingual English-Spanish booklet as part of their national campaign to prevent fatal falls titled, “Falling Off Ladders Can Kill: Use Them Safely.” 

The U.S. House of Representatives April 10 voted 219-209 to pass a bill that would stop all NLRB activity that requires a three-member quorum until the legal disputes involving the board are resolved.

The U.S. House of Representatives April 10 voted 219-209 to pass a bill that would stop all NLRB activity that requires a three-member quorum until the legal disputes involving the board are resolved.

The U.S. House of Representatives April 10 voted 219-209 to pass a bill that would stop all NLRB activity that requires a three-member quorum until the legal disputes involving the board are resolved.

As part of the Commercial Properties Coalition, ABC April 1 submitted comments to the EPA in response to their request for information on a possible rulemaking that would regulate renovation, repair and painting activities on and in public and commercial buildings to address possible lead-based paint hazards.
