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ABC Newsline

House Small Business Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) introduced a new initiative, “Small Biz Reg Watch,” which will help small businesses participate in regulatory development.

The EPA is considering federal rules that may regulate renovation and remodeling activities in public and commercial buildings to address possible lead-based paint hazards.  These rules, if enacted, could be based on current lead paint regulations addressing renovation activities in pre-1978 “target housing.” Any such proposal would have a significant impact on commercial and federal contractors. 

The EPA is considering federal rules that may regulate renovation and remodeling activities in public and commercial buildings to address possible lead-based paint hazards.  These rules, if enacted, could be based on current lead paint regulations addressing renovation activities in pre-1978 “target housing.” Any such proposal would have a significant impact on commercial and federal contractors. 

The ABC-led Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Jan. 31 filed a request with the U.S. Court of Appeals as part of their continuing efforts to block the NLRB “ambush” elections rule. The statement of supplemental authorities was filed after an appeals court ruled Jan. 25 that President Obama violated the Constitution when he bypassed the Senate to fill NLRB vacancies. 

The ABC-led Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Jan. 31 filed a request with the U.S. Court of Appeals as part of their continuing efforts to block the NLRB “ambush” elections rule. The statement of supplemental authorities was filed after an appeals court ruled Jan. 25 that President Obama violated the Constitution when he bypassed the Senate to fill NLRB vacancies. 

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is requesting comments from the construction community addressing the potential use of PLA on large-scale construction projects exceeding $25 million in New Jersey and Virginia.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is requesting comments from the construction community addressing the potential use of PLA on large-scale construction projects exceeding $25 million in New Jersey and Virginia.

The EPA in November 2012 began issuing enforcement actions for violations of its Lead-Safe Renovation Repair and Painting rule, which went into effect in April 2010, and began mailing postcards to uncertified renovation contractors in target areas.

The EPA in November 2012 began issuing enforcement actions for violations of its Lead-Safe Renovation Repair and Painting rule, which went into effect in April 2010, and began mailing postcards to uncertified renovation contractors in target areas.

The Environmental Protection Agency in January settled a longstanding lawsuit that had been brought against its 2009 rule on Effluent Limitation Guidelines by agreeing to withdraw the numeric limit for turbidity in stormwater discharges. 
