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ABC Newsline

On Oct. 24, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction that prevents the Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR) Council from implementing the final blacklisting rule, officially titled Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces, which was scheduled to go into effect on Oct. 25. 

ABC announced three finalists for its annual Young Professional of the Year Award on Oct. 26. Finalists were chosen based on their career achievement, leadership and vision for the future of the commercial and industrial construction industry from a field of more than 30 nominations representing 20 ABC chapters across the country.

ABC has added Keystone Chapter member G. Allan Galbraith of Galbraith / Pre-Design, Inc. to the Beam Club Presidential Level. The Beam Club was established in 1966 to recognize ABC’s top membership recruiters for their commitment to growing the association. By recruiting five new members, ABC members are automatically enrolled in the Beam Club by their chapter. 

ABC announced it has made a seven-figure ad buy comprised of issue ads and express advocacy in six states. The ad buy will include radio and statewide digital ads in support of pro-free enterprise candidates and issues in Florida, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

On Oct. 18, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced that it agreed to further delay enforcement of the anti-retaliation provisions of OSHA’s final rule on Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses until Dec. 1st. Under the anti-retaliation provisions of the final rule, some forms of post-accident drug testing and accident-free incentive programs will be deemed unlawfully retaliatory. 

On Monday , Oct. 17 at 11 a.m. representatives from the Wage and Hour Division will cover the basics of the U.S. Department of Labor’s final rule updating the overtime regulations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), highlight resources and guidance available for employers, and answer compliance assistance questions. 

Gov. Terry E. Branstad proclaimed October Careers in Construction Month in a brief signing ceremony at the ABC of Iowa workshop in Grimes, Iowa. The governor praised apprenticeship programs such as ABC’s as an alternative to school-based vocational and technical training. “While they learn, they can also earn a salary, and that’s one of the benefits. You don’t end up with a bunch of debt like a lot of college students end up with today” he said.

WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 7– Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) and its ABC Southeast Texas Chapter announced that they have filed a lawsuit challenging the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces final rule, commonly referred to as the “blacklisting” rule, which was released Aug. 25, 2016. The legal challenge was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Beaumont Division, by the Texas office of Littler Mendelson, P.C., ABC National’s general counsel. The firm will represent ABC, the ABC Southeast Texas Chapter and the National Association of Security Companies (NASCO) in the lawsuit.

Kencor, Inc. Elevator Systems of West Chester, PA., a member of ABC’s Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter, has been awarded Accredited Quality Contractor (AQC) status by ABC. The AQC program recognizes and honors construction firms that document their commitment to excellence in five key areas of corporate responsibility: quality, safety, employee benefits, training and community relations.  A company that meets the criteria set forth in the program, and has earned Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) Gold, Platinum or Diamond status, is formally designated an “Accredited Quality Contractor.”      

Messer Construction Co. of Charlotte, NC., a member of ABC’s Carolinas Chapter, has been awarded Accredited Quality Contractor (AQC) status by ABC. The AQC program recognizes and honors construction firms that document their commitment to excellence in five key areas of corporate responsibility: quality, safety, employee benefits, training and community relations.  A company that meets the criteria set forth in the program, and has earned Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) Gold, Platinum or Diamond status, is formally designated an “Accredited Quality Contractor.”      
