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The EPA is considering federal rules that may regulate renovation and remodeling activities in public and commercial buildings to address possible lead-based paint hazards.  These rules, if enacted, could be based on current lead paint regulations addressing renovation activities in pre-1978 “target housing.” Any such proposal would have a significant impact on commercial and federal contractors. 

ABC is working with a diverse coalition of construction industry trade associations, as well as real estate representatives that are encouraging building owners and managers to participate in a survey to collect information on renovation, repair and painting activities that may create lead-based paint hazards in commercial buildings. The information gathered may be used in future communications with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other parties as the agency considers whether to develop new rules.  

Responses will be aggregated and only be used in the final report. Specific information including individual and company names will be kept confidential and anonymous. Responses are needed by Feb. 20
