Component 23 – 2
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The annual three-day Construction Super Conference will be held Dec. 12-14 in San Francisco and will feature educational sessions and keynote speeches focused on issues and strategies relevant to the construction industry. ABC members can register at a reduced rate by entering the code FD82X7B on the event website.

The event will include a new program from the ABC Business Partner ConsensusDocs that will address emerging legal issues in contract development and how to tailor construction contracts to the needs of an individual company.  

Other sessions will cover topics such as dispute avoidance and resolution, green building, international construction, and legislation and compliance. They will be led by senior-level leaders from legal, consulting and construction companies. 

In addition, a panel of four general counsels for contractors will discuss what they expect from outside lawyers and consultants. 

Keynote speakers include, Louis J. Freeh, former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and founder and senior managing partner of Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan, LLP, Jeff Shoaf, senior executive director of government and public affairs for Associated General Contractors (AGC) and Ken Simonson, AGC chief economist. 

To register or learn more about the conference, visit the conference website.
