Component 23 – 2
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ABC members that attend 2013 BizCon Feb. 19-20 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., will hear from experts on public-private partnerships (P3s), an increasingly popular delivery method for construction projects nationwide.
“I believe that the P3 delivery model should be well understood, as its use is greatly increasing in the face of economic and fiscal uncertainties,” said Anita Molino, managing partner and president of the Bostonia Partners, LLC and P3 financing expert. 

In addition to Molino, BizCon’s P3 panel will be guided by the executive director of the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships and will contain panelists who will share the key ingredients of P3s, the basics of P3 legal and financial structuring and how both large and small companies can benefit.

P3 panelists include:

  • Rodney Moss; Division Chief Legal Officer and Senior Vice President; Balfour Beatty Construction
  • Jeff Boehm; Vice President; Howard Shockey & Sons, Inc.
  • Anita Molino; Managing Partner, President; Bostonia Partners, LLC 
  • Alfonso Barona, CFA; Director of North America Business Development; Cintra-US
  • Richard Norment (Moderator); Executive Director; National Council for Public-Private Partnerships
Check out for information on the other four panels:
  • Real Estate Finance and Investment
  • Major Construction Users
  • Trends in Major Land Development
  • Real Estate Development
Don’t forget to visit the speaker’s page to learn more about BizCon’s dynamic keynote speakers: political icon Karl Rove, economists Arthur Laffer and Anirban Basu, and best-selling author Patrick Lencioni.

For more information on BizCon, join our discussion group on LinkedIn

*Important note: the host hotel is sold out for the nights of Feb. 19 & 20. Visit the travel and hotel info page for information on alternate hotels within walking distance.
