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To help members get a greater understanding of their obligations under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), or health care law, ABC is offering an overview of the developments that took place in 2011. 

Since the health care law was enacted in March 2010, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and the Treasury have issued guidance and sought feedback on several provisions contained in PPACA. “Health Care Reform: Developments in 2011,” which can be downloaded in PDF format, gives a summary of the actions that occurred over the past year. 

The document contains information on:

  • W-2 reporting 
  • 1099 reporting
  • preventive care for women
  • requirements for summary of benefits and coverage
  • claims and appeals requirements
  • the early retiree reinsurance program
  • annual limit waivers
  • insurance rate reviews
  • health insurance exchanges
  • free choice vouchers
  • court decisions

For more information, contact Sam Melamed at ABC Merit Choice Insurance, [email protected], or Karen Livingston, ABC director of policy, [email protected].  
