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ABC sent a letter to the U.S. Senate March 25 in support of an amendment being offered by Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) to the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Resolution (S. Con. Res. 11), which would prohibit construction contracts from being awarded based on whether or not companies enter into agreements with labor organizations. Due to this amendment’s immediate impact on the merit shop construction industry, ABC will consider this a Key Vote for the 114th congressional scorecard.

Sen. Flake's amendment would prohibit the government from mandating a project labor agreement (PLA) on federal or federally funded construction projects authorized by this bill and help increase competition and curb waste and favoritism in the procurement of construction contracts.  

While amendments to budget resolutions are non-binding, a vote on this amendment is significant since it is the first vote the Senate has taken opposing PLAs since 2009.  
