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ABC is the voice of the merit shop on Capitol Hill! Sending letters to Congress allows ABC to publicly advocate for the views and interests of our more than 23,000 members. By corresponding with U.S. House of Representatives and Senate members, ABC promotes fair and open competition in the construction industry and fights to protect merit shop contractors around the country.

On June 20, ABC joined two letters from coalitions of business organizations in supporting the Custom Health Option and Individual Care Expense (CHOICE) Arrangement Act. The legislation would codify two of the Trump administration’s major achievements in health-care policy: a 2018 rule that permits businesses to join together to provide association health plans, and a 2019 rule that allows employers to provide tax-free contributions to employees to pay for Affordable Care Act plans in the individual market through individual coverage health reimbursement arrangements (ICHRAs).

You can view the first letter here and the second from ABC’s Partnership for Employer Sponsored Coverage coalition here.