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ABC is the voice of the merit shop on Capitol Hill! Sending letters to Congress allows ABC to publicly advocate for the views and interests of our more than 23,000 members. By corresponding with U.S. House of Representatives and Senate members, ABC promotes fair and open competition in the construction industry and fights to protect merit shop contractors around the country.

Congressman Lloyd Smucker, R-Pa., introduced the Main Street Tax Certainty Act, H.R. 4721, legislation which would permanently extend Section 199A of the Internal Revenue Code, which is slated to expire in 2025. Smucker’s bipartisan legislation is cosponsored by 99 Members, including two Democrats, and is supported by all Republican Members of the Ways & Means Committee.

Section 199A, which was adopted as part of the landmark 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, allows for a 20 percent deduction of qualified income for pass-through businesses. Most small business are structured as a pass-through and this section was included in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to promote equity in America’s tax code between small businesses on main street with larger corporations.

ABC joined over 160 organizations in support of the legislation, and also supported mirror legislation in the Senate introduced by Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont. Earlier this year.