Update: ABC Supports Oklahoma Tornado Victims | Community Outreach Projects

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Update: ABC Supports Oklahoma Tornado Victims

As of June 11, ABC chapter staff, members and ABC National staff have raised more than $10,000 to support the individuals and their families affected by the devastating tornadoes in Oklahoma through the co-branded ABC-American Red Cross donation website

“We applaud those that have gathered donations and the charitable organizations that are set up to serve those who have suffered a disaster,” said ABC Oklahoma chapter Executive Vice President, Sally Singer.
The ABC Oklahoma chapter has received a list of member company employees who suffered loss in the storms and is working to provide funds, including a $5,000 donation from the ABC Alabama chapter, and other resources to the families in need. 

If you would like to learn more about the ABC Cares program and how you can get involved, click here

To donate to the Red Cross on behalf of ABC, click here

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